Thursday, August 2, 2007

Dark Knight Teaser Trailer

There were no 35mm. trailers of Dark Knight sent to east coast theaters, just DLP Simpson's are playing it. It starts with a black screen, a voice over narration of Christian Bale and Michael Caine as small beams of blue light shoot up from the center of the screen, outward, slowly revealing a silhouette of the bat symbol. The second half of the voice over is Heath Ledger as The Joker, making outlandish threats in a weird voice. Then, as the last and strongest beam of light finally puncture through the center of the bat symbol, a giant joker card comes hurtling towards the screen, combined with loud sweeping sound f/x cue, a fraction of a second after the still you see above. Then a Dark Knight title card appears and a summer 2008 uber-vague release date shows up. This first 30 second teaser got me as moist as the Grindhouse trailer!!!

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